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    Artificial Arm

    Seeing the future

    The IWK Health Centre is the pediatric and women’s tertiary care facility for the Maritime Provinces. This requires a tremendous amount of health information sharing with stakeholders, neighbouring provinces, as well as with healthcare collaborators involved in care provision.

    By: Erin Lynch Published: 4/20/2018 3:40:10 PM
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    Researcher looking in microscope

    Two York mathematicians determine how to stay a step ahead of C. difficile

    York researchers simulated a C. difficile outbreak in a hospital ward. What they learned will capture the attention of public health officials, policy-makers, clinicians and epidemiologists.

    By: Megan Mueller Published: 4/20/2018 3:47:21 PM
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    Emergency room

    Leveraging technology to support independent living: Marc’s story

    In the ever-changing world of healthcare, Marc Barrette is an example of how the forming of non-traditional relationships, the use of technology and personal commitment can work together to positively impact recovery.

    By: Betty Cooper Published: 4/20/2018 3:50:00 PM
  • Special focus: Innovations in wound care

    The pressure’s on: Seeking better options for bed sore prevention

    By: Jessica Wong Published: 4/20/2018 3:58:02 PM